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Bases: View, ErrorHandlerMixin, Generic[T]

View with build-in json serialization via serializer and error handling

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class APIView(View, ErrorHandlerMixin, Generic[T]):
    View with build-in json serialization via
    `serializer` and error handling

    content_type: str = "application/json"
    validate_response: bool = True
    from_attributes: Optional[bool] = None
    response_schema: Optional[T] = None
    serializer_options: ClassVar[SerializerOptions] = {
        "by_alias": True,
    _serializers: ClassVar[TypeAdapterMap] = {}
    default_errors: tuple[type[APIError], ...] = (BadRequest,)

    def __init__(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> None:
        self.validation_context = None
        response.headers["Content-Type"] = self.content_type
        super().__init__(request, response)

    def get_api_action(
        endpoint: Callable,
        prefix: str = "",
        path: str = "",
        action: Optional[Action] = None,
        extra_errors: tuple[type[APIError], ...] = (),
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        if action:
            kwargs.setdefault("name", f"{action.title()} {cls.get_name()}")
            kwargs.setdefault("operation_id", f"{action}_{cls.get_slug_name()}")

        kwargs.setdefault("response_model", cls.get_response_schema(action))
        kwargs.setdefault("responses", errors(*extra_errors, *cls.default_errors))
        return super().get_api_action(endpoint, prefix=prefix, path=path, **kwargs)

    def get_status_code(cls, endpoint: str, default: int = HTTP_200_OK) -> int:
        method = getattr(cls, endpoint, None)
        return getattr(method, "kwargs", {}).get("status_code", default)

    def get_response_schema(cls, action: Optional[Action] = None) -> Optional[T]:  # noqa: ARG003
        return cls.response_schema

    def get_serializer(self, action: Optional[Action] = None) -> TypeAdapter[T]:
        response_schema = self.get_response_schema(action)
        if response_schema not in self._serializers:
            self._serializers[response_schema] = TypeAdapter(response_schema)
        return self._serializers[response_schema]

    def get_response(
        content: Any,
        status_code: int = HTTP_200_OK,
        action: Optional[Action] = None,
    ) -> Response:
        if not isinstance(content, (str, bytes, Response)):
            serializer = self.get_serializer(action)
            if self.validate_response:
                content = serializer.validate_python(
            content = serializer.dump_json(content, **self.serializer_options)
        return super().get_response(content, status_code=status_code)


Bases: BaseCreateAPIView, Generic[P]

Async create api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class AsyncCreateAPIView(BaseCreateAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Async create api view"""

    def get_create_endpoint(cls, status_code: int) -> Endpoint:
        async def endpoint(
            self: AsyncCreateAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = await self.create(*args, **kwargs)
            location = self.get_location(obj)
            if location:
                self.response.headers["location"] = location
            if self.return_on_create:
                return self.get_response(obj, status_code=status_code, action="create")
            return Response(status_code=status_code)

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.create)
        return endpoint

    async def create(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseDestroyAPIView, Generic[P]

Async destroy api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class AsyncDestroyAPIView(BaseDestroyAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Async destroy api view"""

    def get_destroy_endpoint(cls, status_code: int) -> Endpoint:
        async def endpoint(
            self: AsyncDestroyAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            await self.destroy(*args, **kwargs)
            return Response(status_code=status_code)

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.destroy)
        return endpoint

    async def destroy(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseListAPIView, ABC, Generic[P]

Async list api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class AsyncListAPIView(BaseListAPIView, ABC, Generic[P]):
    """Async list api view"""

    def get_list_endpoint(cls) -> Endpoint:
        async def endpoint(
            self: AsyncListAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            objects = await self.list(*args, **kwargs)
            return self.get_response(objects, status_code=HTTP_200_OK, action="list")

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.list)
        return endpoint

    async def list(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BasePartialUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]

Async partial update api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class AsyncPartialUpdateAPIView(BasePartialUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Async partial update api view"""

    def get_partial_update_endpoint(cls) -> Endpoint:
        async def endpoint(
            self: AsyncPartialUpdateAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = await self.partial_update(*args, **kwargs)
            if obj is None and self.raise_on_none:
            if self.return_on_update:
                return self.get_response(obj, action="partial_update")
            return Response(status_code=HTTP_200_OK)

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.partial_update)
        return endpoint

    async def partial_update(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseRetrieveAPIView, Generic[P]

Async retrieve api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class AsyncRetrieveAPIView(BaseRetrieveAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Async retrieve api view"""

    def get_retrieve_endpoint(cls) -> Endpoint:
        async def endpoint(
            self: AsyncRetrieveAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = await self.retrieve(*args, **kwargs)
            if obj is None and self.raise_on_none:
            return self.get_response(obj, action="retrieve")

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.retrieve)
        return endpoint

    async def retrieve(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]

Async update api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class AsyncUpdateAPIView(BaseUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Async update api view"""

    def get_update_endpoint(cls, status_code: int) -> Endpoint:
        async def endpoint(
            self: AsyncUpdateAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = await self.update(*args, **kwargs)
            if not self.return_on_update:
                return Response(status_code=status_code)
            if obj is None and self.raise_on_none:
            return self.get_response(obj, status_code=status_code, action="update")

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.update)
        return endpoint

    async def update(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseCreateAPIView, Generic[P]

Sync create api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class CreateAPIView(BaseCreateAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Sync create api view"""

    def get_create_endpoint(cls, status_code: int) -> Endpoint:
        def endpoint(
            self: CreateAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = self.create(*args, **kwargs)
            location = self.get_location(obj)
            if location:
                self.response.headers["location"] = location
            if self.return_on_create:
                return self.get_response(obj, status_code=status_code, action="create")
            return Response(status_code=status_code)

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.create)
        return endpoint

    def create(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseDestroyAPIView, Generic[P]

Sync destroy api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class DestroyAPIView(BaseDestroyAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Sync destroy api view"""

    def get_destroy_endpoint(cls, status_code: int) -> Endpoint:
        def endpoint(
            self: DestroyAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            self.destroy(*args, **kwargs)
            return Response(status_code=status_code)

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.destroy)
        return endpoint

    def destroy(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseListAPIView, ABC, Generic[P]

Sync list api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class ListAPIView(BaseListAPIView, ABC, Generic[P]):
    """Sync list api view"""

    def get_list_endpoint(cls) -> Endpoint:
        def endpoint(self: ListAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Response:
            objects = self.list(*args, **kwargs)
            return self.get_response(objects, status_code=HTTP_200_OK, action="list")

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.list)
        return endpoint

    def list(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BasePartialUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]

Sync partial update api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class PartialUpdateAPIView(BasePartialUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Sync partial update api view"""

    def get_partial_update_endpoint(cls) -> Endpoint:
        def endpoint(
            self: PartialUpdateAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = self.partial_update(*args, **kwargs)
            if obj is None and self.raise_on_none:
            if self.return_on_update:
                return self.get_response(obj, action="partial_update")
            return Response(status_code=HTTP_200_OK)

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.partial_update)
        return endpoint

    def partial_update(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseRetrieveAPIView, Generic[P]

Sync retrieve api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class RetrieveAPIView(BaseRetrieveAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Sync retrieve api view"""

    def get_retrieve_endpoint(cls) -> Endpoint:
        def endpoint(
            self: RetrieveAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = self.retrieve(*args, **kwargs)
            if obj is None and self.raise_on_none:
            return self.get_response(obj, action="retrieve")

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.retrieve)
        return endpoint

    def retrieve(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: BaseUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]

Sync update api view

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class UpdateAPIView(BaseUpdateAPIView, Generic[P]):
    """Sync update api view"""

    def get_update_endpoint(cls, status_code: int) -> Endpoint:
        def endpoint(
            self: UpdateAPIView, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            obj = self.update(*args, **kwargs)
            if not self.return_on_update:
                return Response(status_code=status_code)
            if obj is None and self.raise_on_none:
            return self.get_response(obj, status_code=status_code, action="update")

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, cls.update)
        return endpoint

    def update(self, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Any:
        raise NotImplementedError


Bases: ABC

Base View Class

Source code in fastapi_views/views/
class View(ABC):
    Base View Class

    api_component_name: str
    errors: tuple[type[APIError], ...] = ()

    def __init__(self, request: Request, response: Response) -> None:
        self.request = request
        self.response = response

    def get_name(cls) -> str:
        return getattr(cls, "api_component_name", cls.__name__)

    def get_slug_name(cls) -> str:
        return f"{cls.get_name().lower().replace(' ', '_')}"

    def get_response(self, content: Any, *, status_code: int = HTTP_200_OK) -> Response:
        if isinstance(content, Response):
            return content

        self.response.status_code = status_code
        if content is None:
            return self.response

        if isinstance(content, str):
            content = content.encode(self.response.charset)
        if isinstance(content, bytes):
            self.response.body = content
            self.response.headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(content))
        return self.response

    def get_api_actions(cls, prefix: str = "") -> Generator[dict[str, Any], Any, None]:
        yield from cls.get_custom_api_actions(prefix)

    def get_custom_endpoint(
        cls, func: Callable[Concatenate["View", P], Any]
    ) -> Callable[Concatenate["View", P], Any]:
        options = getattr(func, "kwargs", {})
        status_code = options.get("status_code", None)

        async def _async_endpoint(
            self: View, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs
        ) -> Response:
            res = await func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return self.get_response(res, status_code=status_code)

        def _sync_endpoint(self: View, *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> Response:
            res = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
            return self.get_response(res, status_code=status_code)

        endpoint = (
            _async_endpoint if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func) else _sync_endpoint

        cls._patch_endpoint_signature(endpoint, func)
        return endpoint

    def get_custom_api_actions(
        cls, prefix: str = ""
    ) -> Generator[dict[str, Any], None, None]:
        for _, route_endpoint in inspect.getmembers(
            cls, lambda member: callable(member) and hasattr(member, VIEWSET_ROUTE_FLAG)
            endpoint = cls.get_custom_endpoint(route_endpoint)
            yield cls.get_api_action(
                endpoint, prefix=prefix, name=f"{endpoint.__name__} {cls.get_name()}"

    def get_api_action(
        cls, endpoint: Callable, prefix: str = "", path: str = "", **kwargs: Any
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        kw = getattr(endpoint, "kwargs", {})
        path = kwargs.get("path", path)
        kwargs["endpoint"] = endpoint
        kwargs["path"] = prefix + path
        kwargs.setdefault("name", endpoint.__name__)
        endpoint_name = kwargs["name"]
        kwargs.setdefault("methods", ["GET"])
        kwargs.setdefault("operation_id", f"{cls.get_slug_name()}_{endpoint_name}")
        kwargs["responses"] = {
            e.get_status(): {"model": e.model} for e in cls.errors
        } | kwargs.get("responses", {})
        status_code = kwargs.get("status_code")
        if status_code and not is_body_allowed_for_status_code(status_code):
            kwargs["response_model"] = None
        return kwargs

    def _patch_endpoint_signature(cls, endpoint: Any, method: Callable) -> None:
        old_signature = inspect.signature(method)
        old_parameters: list[inspect.Parameter] = list(
        old_first_parameter = old_parameters[0]
        new_first_parameter = old_first_parameter.replace(default=Depends(cls))
        new_parameters = [new_first_parameter] + [
            for parameter in old_parameters[1:]
        new_signature = old_signature.replace(parameters=new_parameters)
        endpoint.__signature__ = new_signature
        endpoint.__doc__ = method.__doc__
        endpoint.__name__ = method.__name__
        endpoint.kwargs = getattr(method, "kwargs", {})